Monday, July 26, 2010

Elizabeth Warren MUST head CFPB

And now for the stupid, ignorant politics in naming Elizabeth Warren to head up the consumer protection agency that she invented... the question how many of the clowns of congress... Dem and GOP alike "will be bought" off by the Wall Street and Banking lobbies... aka special interests (GOP) or "focus groups" (Dem)...

Tell me, what is t...he difference between a member of congress of congress selling votes to a lobby and Gov. Blagojevich selling a senate seat?

Read this article from the NY Times:

Elizabeth Warren has YOUR back... now return the favor... get after your member of congress to support her nomination...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Elizabeth Warren MUST head The Consumer Protection Agency

"We the People" need someone in consumer protection to have our back... write... write... and write again to your members of congress DEMANDING their support of Elizabeth Warren to head up the new agency... Wall Street and the Banks are afraid to death and have their lobbyist working 24/7 opposing her nomination... do you require any better proof that she is "our guy"...

YouTube her... watch the dozens of interviews... LISTEN to her words... Elizabeth Warren is the ONLY person in DC actually doing the peoples business, she NEEDS to be President... which bodes the question... Is the president afraid of her too; and will not give her a better stage?

Do we get the "change we can believe in", or is it simply whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets...