Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Greatest Generation

I watched "A Band of Brother's" again today... as I often due, I reflected on the 16,000,000 men and women who, through their sacrifices, their shedding of blood, the death of almost 500,000 of that number have made our lives possible... These brave souls all now their 80's and 90-s... protected this engine of democracy, this bread basket to the world and built our economy and America into the envy of the planet, the magnet of freedom... who had earned a right to spend the sunset of their lives in rest and retirement... a retirement now ripped from them by the insatiable greed of those thieves of Wall Street... now they have absolutely zero time to recapture anything... just imagine being forced to go back to the work force in your 80's and 90's... many will end their lives in complete destitution... this is the real crime committed by those bastards...

But only the abject gross negligence of Congress could have made it all possible…

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