FACT, The United States, is a net EXPORTER of refined fuel products! If Natural Gas and Electricity are deemed so essential to life and our economy; and as such are regulated as utilities... what then are gasoline and diesel fuel, which have an equal effect on our lives... chopped liver!!! WHY is it legal for the petroleum industry to EXPORT refined gasoline thereby (artificially) driving up prices... while at the same time receiving billions in tax breaks... and before anyone in this throws it back at the Oval Office... per the constitution, it is the responsibility of Congress to enact the legislation required to regulate an industry... this is nothing new... this situation of putting profits ahead of the country is as old as Wall Street... shame on our do nothing congress, more concerned with campaign contributions and their jobs, then doing what we the people sent them there to do... this stigma lays at the feet of both parties... the "prooooogresssives" as well as the TEA Party... shame on the lot of you... Gas and Electricity are deemed essential to life and our economy; and as such are regulated as utilities... what then are gas and diesel which have an equal effect on our lives... chopped liver!!! WHY is it legal for the petroleum industry to EXPORT refined gasoline thereby (artificially) driving up prices... while at the same time receiving billions in tax breaks... and before anyone in this tread throws it back at the Oval Office... per the constitution, it is the responsibility of Congress to enact the legislation required to regulate an industry... this is nothing new... this situation of putting profits ahead of the country is as old as Wall Street... shame on our do nothing congress, more concerned with campaign contributions and there jobs, then do what we the people sent them there to do... this stigma lays at the feet of both parties... the "prooooogresssives" as well as the TEA Party... shame on the lot of you...
I have no problem with corporations earning good profits... I have no problem with exporting EXCESS refined products... excess meaning that such exports have zero negative impact on domestic prices... with the exception of national emergencies there would be NO exceptions to this rule
you need to get a life...